الظهران expo - Suppliers

Expo الظهران Suppliers

Expo الظهران Gen


Expo الظهران Dhahran

Expo الظهران Gen

Expo الظهران Suppliers

الظهران اكسبو

Expo الظهران Suppliers

Expo الظهران Gen


Expo الظهران Gen

Expo الظهران Dhahran Expo

Expo الظهران الظهران اكسبو

الظهران اكسبو

There have been Saudi students as well, though this is relatively rare.

  • The base was turned over to the Saudis when its lease expired in the early 1960s.

  • University Schools, located within King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, and Dhahran Ahliyyah Schools are examples of top private schools across Saudi Arabia are based in Dhahran.

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